February Is Insurance Careers Month

February is Insurance Careers Month, and American Global is hiring! Check out all our open positions here. Still in college but interested in learning more? We’re accepting applications for our Summer 2022 internship program! Check out the details and how to apply here.

A career in insurance can be rewarding on so many levels, and I hope you keep reading to find out how. While I’ll admit that our industry has an image problem, often seen as “boring,” “salesy,” or “dated,” those of us who are currently working in insurance and loving our careers are proving that these stereotypes are completely inaccurate! The industry is hungry for great talent, and I hope this little snippet gives you a window into why our team is passionate about insurance careers and how this industry might be a fit for you.

Diverse Opportunities
One of the best things about the insurance industry is the diversity and breadth of opportunities available. When you think “insurance,” roles that come to mind are likely agent, broker, claims adjuster, or underwriter, but there is so much more! While the industry certainly includes these professionals, at American Global our team also includes engineers, accountants, attorneys, finance professionals, contractors, and HR specialists among so many others. In fact, varied college degrees, backgrounds and skillsets can be a competitive advantage as you define and shape your career. We rely on the skills of communication, deductive reasoning, and teamwork best achieved by diverse teams. Katie Wright, our Career Development Leader, works to create clear paths for advancement for our employees and shared, “I consider it a personal challenge to understand someone’s passion and incorporate that into one of our roles at American Global. Leveraging an individual’s strength for the benefit of the team is the starting point when defining your career path.” I personally started with American Global not knowing what facet I wanted to pursue and found my passion in working with the people of our organization as our Director of Talent and Culture. You never know where an insurance position can take you!

Learning Advancement
Whether it’s on-the-job learning, formal coursework and designations, self-study programs, mentorship, or upskilling, the insurance industry is committed to personal and professional development. American Global has created a culture of learning and encourages continuous development. We meet the constantly evolving technological advances in our world by investing in our employee’s lifelong education. Nancy Rogge, our Learning & Development Leader, shared, “one of the things insurance professionals across all job levels and segments consistently tell me is how they learn something new every day in this industry.” This culture of learning fosters creativity and personal growth, and this is one of the best parts about a career in insurance!

Sense of Purpose
Insurance is the unsung hero of many of the world’s largest economies. With the global economy and labor market experiencing unprecedented change, one of the most appealing qualities of the insurance industry is the stability it provides, not only for employees but for the world at large. The industry is often referred to as recession-proof, and as a result the careers are stable, providing comfortable and fulfilling lives for the millions of people who work in the industry. Additionally, insurance programs and products by their very nature provide stability to our economy in times of uncertainty, making people and companies whole after tragic storms, accidents, and unforeseen circumstances like the global pandemic we’ve experienced since 2019.

More personally, my American Global co-workers and industry peers have been a part of major milestones in my life, and those relationships are tremendously meaningful to me. My colleagues support me personally and professionally and open-handedly share their wealth of advice and experience as I learn and grow. I know that I have made lifelong friends and look forward to a long career alongside such wonderful people.

It’s fun!
Anyone in insurance will tell you this is a relationship-based industry. The relationships we build with not only our co-workers, but other industry professionals, clients and friends are invaluable and lifelong. The industry is full of “foodies,” athletes, thrill-seekers, and globetrotters, and there are plenty of opportunities to experience and express these passions. From daily interactions, networking events, associations, industry conferences, I have tasted new foods, seen new places, tried new “sports” (is axe-throwing a sport?), and had more fun than I could imagine in my relatively short career to-date.

Still not sure if insurance is right for you? Talk it over with someone in the industry! I lead the talent and culture team at American Global, and every one of us loves to talk shop! It’s a low-risk low-commitment way to learn more about the industry and receive advice from some of the best mentors in insurance! Reach out to us here.