35 events found.
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Virtual Event
ASSP Construction Specialty Group Webinar: A Closer Look at Mental Health & Suicide
Virtual Event
ASSP Construction Specialty Group Webinar: A Closer Look at Mental Health & Suicide
Topic: The Minds of Our Industry: A Close Look at Mental Health and Suicide Description: Mental Health and Suicide in the Construction industry has been a long-avoided topic due to the historically macho mindset of many members of the construction industry. The construction industry is severely impacted by suicide. It is estimated that approximately 5,500…
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1 event,
Hear from AG SVP Nancy Schnee on Surety & SDI at NYC’s STA Panel Sessions
Hear from AG SVP Nancy Schnee on Surety & SDI at NYC’s STA Panel Sessions
Join us in New York City to broaden your knowledge of Surety and Subcontractor Default Insurance (SDI) with two informative STA educational sessions featuring AG's own SVP of Surety, Nancy Schnee. The morning Surety Session is tailored to union subcontractors! Panel 1 will focus on subcontractor default insurance while Panel 2 will explore ways to…