New Hires

Evan McGrath, Account Executive at American Global.

Welcome To The Team Evan Mcgrath

As American Global continues to...
Hand holding a card with the word claims.

Welcome To The Team Calvin Gibson

M A Y 2 0...
Welcome Andrea Rusche to the American Global team.

Welcome To The Team Andrea Rusche

A P R I L...
Michelle Skala joins American Global team.

American Global Welcomes Michelle Skala

J A N U A...
Caryn Maxfield joins American Global team.

New Senior Vice President Of American Global

J A N U A...
Wes Williams, welcome to the team.

Wes Williams Joins American Global

J U LY 2 0...
A close-up of a bridge's steel structure.

American Global Welcomes Robert Labbe To The Team

American Global is pleased to...
Hands clasped, American Global welcomes new team members.

Welcome to the Team: John McGill, President – Project Solutions

Please join us in welcoming...
Hands stacked, welcome to the team.

Welcome to the Team: Jennifer Westmoreland, President – Georgia

Please join us in welcoming...