Published Articles

A blue and white graphic with the words " design liability ".

Design Liability The Procurement Phase

Take a deep dive into...
A blue and white poster with the words " read all about it " in front of an image of a building.

NATCAT and the Emergence of Alternative Risk Products

Due to several macroeconomic factors,...
A picture of a person with the caption " p 3 insurance ".

P3 Insurance “Are They Going to Get the Message?”

In this 2-part P3 Bulletin...
A picture of ricardo davila with the words read all about it.

The Global Landscape of the Construction Industry and Performance Guarantees

Be sure to read Ricardo Davila's recent...
Design liability article by IRMI authors.

Design Liability Strategies to Minimize Pl Claims

In this final article of...
ENR article by Ante Petricevic about insurance.

Professional Liability Insurance & Progressive Design Build: Has the Market Kept Pace?

Gain insight from Ante Petricevic’s...
Northern Exposure: Construction in Canada.

Northern Exposure: A Look at the Opportunity & Challenges of Doing Construction in Canada

Check out the new ENR...
Design liability insurance series part 3.

Design Liability: Professional Liability Insurance

In part three of this...
Mike Karlins on new lease accounting standards impact on surety underwriting.

ENR Article New Lease Accounting Standards And The Impact On Surety Underwriting

Read the latest ENR article...
Construction project risk management graphic.

Rebalancing Construction Project Risk With Progressive Design Build

With some contractors finding design-build...